2. I am very thankful for Wissit and Judy and the afternoon I spent with them at their compound yesterday and for Wissit who is allowing the package to be sent to her in the UK and will bring it back from her trip home to ensure that i actually get it.
3. reading by candle light alone gets boring and lonely fast- martha come home!
4. the kickball kids speak NO english... even hello was a stretch and the balls i bought didnt make it through football. they were less than $1 each though...
5. Eric will be my new besti- he drives a boda and will come get me when i need him and he also used to volunteer with the NGO and knows the kids- he is going to help get more coaches (there were only 6 who came, and they really shouldnt even be coaching as the oldest was 14 and only in primary 7.) He is going to be a superstar- just gotta touch base with Hope about paying him orr how that works, i know there is no money.
6. mango. i have had sooo much mango! still loving it, praying it doesnt repeat the avocado disaster of tanzania. It is especially fun when we get to collect them by the pig farm and knock them fresh from the trees. they are EVERYWHERE.
7. Ive met some new friends. motmot (slowly). and another social worker! WOO SOWO.
8. Been talking with the placement agency about how to spread the word about what im doing with the contract to not disclose the name of the NGO. been really frustrating. im blogging for the NGO, on the new blog ive set them up with, but cant share it with you bc of this contract. pretty frustrating, will be a reason to not go through a placement agency again and be better about researching NGOs to work with.
9. i shoulda written these down.
10. my belly is very full but im dreaming of cheddar bay biscuits cuddled on the couch.
Don't worry about not liking mangos because you eat to many of them. They suck in the US. One you've has them right off the tree you won't like them here anyways.
I second that. Peruvian mangos taste like candy and are 10x better than whatever we get here! I bet yours are delicious! Gok!
If this was twitter, I'd retweet #10
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