Sunday, May 15, 2011

pictures- power out

More blog time! yesss.
The above pictures are in Kampala. The big house is where Hope and Julius live. The others are around the area I stayed and my swanky bathroom at the guest house! Havent taken any in Gulu yet, but will try to soon to appease my sister. AND power just went out, wnt load pictures tonight.
Gulu town centre is a grid of 3 long roads and 5 short ones- think three rows, 5 columns. seems very easy. I already know where the supermarkets, a cute bakery, and the posti are. Tomorrow il go to the clinic with hope.

was a lazy sunday- tends to be the case. I hung out with Hope and Martha a bit (think I called her Nancy before- dont know whyyy i kept calling her that!) my housemate. Apparently, the two hours a day of power is not the case- at least so far. we have had power all day yesterday and again today. nice little surprise, i was prepared for nada. also, i have only heard rain twice in my whole time here, not ever seen it during the day. thats a nice surprise too. but im sure it will make up for it later!

Mom is sending a package soon with some things for the kiddos, and my big floppy straw hat! YESS! shoulda brought it in the first place anyway. and we've already got money for a handful of balls! Thanks guys!!
no power, trying to post before laptop dies!
take luck

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