Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 After a lot of interruptions  calls to duty, and rejected reorganization and rules variants, I finally got to play the game today.  More on the end result later but here's a quick look.

The initial Rebel attack suffered heavy losses followed by a flank attack by Dominion cavalry.

A renewed assault fared a little better but ran out of steam when command control issues held up the reserves. This enticed the Dominion General to launch an attack by the Highlanders supported by cavalry and artillery.

The Rebel reserves finally made it to the front, threw the highlanders back and followed up, threatening the vital central hill.
Concentrated firepower halted the attacks and as the line wavered, the Gentlemen Pensioners charged home  and broke the Rebel morale.

12 turns played out of 15 before  Blue's army break point was reached.


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