Monday, June 27, 2011

head, shoulders, knees and toes....

1. I am SO-OH over evangalism and my ability to bite my tongue is gone. God help the next one, just let it be a muzungu rather than a Ugandan.
2. I gave Eric the skipping rope I got him to thank him for helping me with kickball. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. priceless.
3. Timing is a funny thing.
4. It's moving week for the health clinic (and thus my office!). We will pack all week and this weekend move out to the trading centre in a village about 15km out of town. I will travel out maybe once or twice a week.
5. 92 children is WAY too many. but fun too. hmm, which is it?
6. my report is finally done! Apparently there is a tiny bit of a procrastinator in me. how did I ever write papers every week for school?
7. My dear friend Judy has moved to Lira (about an hour or so away), sad to not see her, but she will come back for my birthday!
8. I went to see the beaders and my necklaces are not done yet. Was a bit frustrated, though I have beyond enough time to get them. Sarah tells me she is giving me only the perfect beads. I think she might have a tiny bit of procrastinator in her too.
9. Rwanda might just be a fun idea in theory but not practice. 16 hours on a bus for two days in Kigali just isn't a fair trade. Plus the $50 to get back into Uganda.
10. I got lots of baby time Saturday with my 4 month old neighbor, Martha, at church. she slept on my lap the whole time and on my back on the way to church.
11. I have NEVER seen people dance as much as I did last night when I went by to see Sarah about beads. Wow. Nice to see people so joyful. Not so frozen chosen as us Presbyterians at home.
12. This week: visiting a therapeutic ropes course wednesday while a group goes through, beading thursday with the ladies, packing the clinic, friday day trip to labora technical school (where wissit did work last year)

Almost july! whhhhhhhhat?

1 comment:

momma said...

Uganda made the news again
Do you know where to look for jump rope tricks? I know a few kids talented in that area :)